Fresh Web Development
Since i was in my youth i have enjoyed the user and work with Computers.When facing programming challenges i like finding solutions and enjoy understanding how things work. It was natural for me to study within the Computer field, and my fascination of the Internet lead to me becoming a Web Developer.
Code Quality
Is why I do what I do! Squashing Bugs while improving my skills.
Making websites for mobile phones requires balancing loading-size while keeping usability in focus to ensure the overall functionality of the site.
Developer since 1999
I wrote my first website in 1999 in a ground school project.
Taking full use of tablets functionality when building websites includes landscape orientation handling and flexible graphic understanding.
Privacy in focus
When developing I take pride in ensuring the end user privacy.
Small Screen
On smaller screens the “display field balance” is always important and well thought website structures will always improve the final result.
IT Knowhow
From years of experience with IT I understand how things work!
Big Screen
More pixels equals more opportunities and designing for Bigger screens can drastically improve the user experience of the visited site.

Art of The Week: ‘Meat Wagon‘ By Banksy